FDG - Framework Development Group
FDG stands for Framework Development Group
Here you will find, what does FDG stand for in IT under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Framework Development Group? Framework Development Group can be abbreviated as FDG What does FDG stand for? FDG stands for Framework Development Group. What does Framework Development Group mean?The IT company falls under information technology and services category and is located in Reston, Virginia.
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Alternative definitions of FDG
- File Description Groups
- Front de Gauche
- Fashion Days Group
- Fast Design Group
- Faulkner Design Group
- The Fairhursts Design Group
- The Fat Duck Group
- Financial Design Group
View 39 other definitions of FDG on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FPSL Fossil Project Services Ltd.
- FLG Fit for Life Gym
- FELPL Fresh Express Logistics Pvt. Ltd.
- FSI Financial Symmetry Inc.
- FES Fairbanks Energy Services
- FAI Folk Alliance International
- FMC Five Mile Capital
- FCC The Fine Cheese Co.
- FLC Fleet Logistics Center
- FC The Futures Company
- FCG Forest City Gear
- FDS Flight Display Systems
- FSS Flying Squirrel Sports
- FNH Fairview Nursing Home
- FNY Freehand New York
- FNO Factor Nova Oy
- FEF Far East Furniture
- FLD Frank Lyman Design
- FPL Fungi Perfecti LLC
- FWL Future Water Ltd